Preventative Care & Vaccines
Enterprise Animal Hospital offers routine preventative services to include wellness exams, core vaccines and targeted protection against disease like leptospirosis and Pigeon Fever that may affect your animals. We recommend at least a yearly exam with one of our veterinarians to examine the general health of your animal and plan for their ongoing care.
Dental Floats
Dr. Grover is very passionate about equine dental health. Regular maintenance can help improve your animals quality of life as well as prevent more serious complications that accrue over time. Extractions and complicated adjustments when indicated are readily performed at Enterprise Animal Hospital.

Sick & Injured Horses
Our veterinarians are available 24/7 to help assess and manage your sick or injured hoses. We have in-house bloodwork and x-rays available to identify problems and initiate treatment rapidly. For those cases that need a higher level of care we work regularly with Idaho Equine Hospital to prepare patients for transport and more intensive care with specialists.
Lameness Exams
​This includes a veterinarian watching your horse at a walk and trot, as well as flexion testing and nerve blocking exams to localize the problem. We are also happy to work with you to arrange an under saddle exam as well. We have X-ray capability to assess the deeper structures for damage and when indicated can help treat with joint injections.
Enterprise Animal Hospital carries all the vaccines your pet may need to protect them from easily preventable diseases. Our veterinarians are happy to discuss all topics including vaccination schedule, dietary needs, behavioral issues and parasite prevention.

Pre-Purchase Exams
Before purchasing a horse it is important to have an independent evaluation by a veterinarian who is working for you and not the seller. We offer a wide range of services and depth in our pre-purchase exams depending on the value of the animal you are interested in. The goal of Enterprise Animal Hospital is to provide you with as much medical information as you would like before investing in an equine partner. Call us to speak with our veterinarians about how extensive a pre=purchase exam you need and what to expect.
Enterprise Animal Hospital is proud to offer equine upper airway endoscopy to help identify respiratory disorders and guttural pouch problems.

Whether to control breeding or limit stud behaviors our veterinarians provide equine castration services in the field. Choosing the proper location and timing for castrating your stud helps ensure a rapid and safe recovery. Call to speak with one of our veterinarians about requirements for scheduling.